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XFLOW Overview

The state-of-the-art technology of XFlow enables users to address complex CFD workflows involving high frequency transient simulations with real moving geometries, complex multiphase flows, free surface flows and fluid-structure interactions.

Its automatic lattice generation and adaptive refinement capabilities minimize user inputs thereby reducing time and effort in the meshing and pre-processing phase. This enables engineers to focus the majority of their efforts on design iteration and optimization.

Beyond Lattice Boltzmann

In non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, the Boltzmann equation describes the behavior of a gas modeled at mesoscopic scale. The Boltzmann equation is able to reproduce the hydrodynamic limit but can also model rarified media with applications to aerospace, microfluidics or even near vacuum conditions. As opposed to standard MRT, the scattering operator in Simulia XFlow is implemented in central moment space, naturally improving the Galilean invariance, the accuracy and the stability of the code.

Particle-based kinetic solver

XFlow features a novel particle-based kinetic algorithm that has been specifically designed to perform very fast with accessible hardware. The discretization approach in XFlow avoids the classic domain meshing process and the surface complexity is not a limiting factor anymore. The user can easily control the level of detail of the underlying lattice with a small set of parameters, the lattice is tolerant to the quality of the input geometry, and adapts to the presence of moving parts

Adaptive lattice refinement

XFlow engine automatically adapts the resolved scales to the user requirements, refining the quality of the solution near the walls, dynamically adapting to the presence of strong gradients and refining the wake as the flow develops

Turbulence modeling: High fidelity WMLES

XFlow features the highest fidelity Wall-Modeled Large Eddy Simulation (WMLES) approach to the turbulence modeling.

The underlying state-of-the-art LES, based on the Wall-Adapting Local Eddy (WALE) viscosity model, provides a consistent local eddy-viscosity and near wall behavior. It also performs in CPU-times similar to most codes providing just RANS analysis. XFlow uses a unified non-equilibrium wall function to model the boundary layer. This wall model works in most cases, meaning that the user do not have to select between different models and take care of the limitations related to each scheme.

Process Time: Workflow Example

XFlow drastically cuts the time spent on the preparation of the simulation, and the initial domain discretization. It enables you to optimize the balance of your engineering and computer time costs.

XFlow - Process Time: Workflow Example

Frequently Asked Questions

CFD stands for Computational Fluid Dynamics and is a group of complex mathematical models describing how fluids behave.

Unlike conventional continuous-field Navier–Stokes solvers, lattice Boltzmann methods consider flows to be composed of a collection of pseudo-particles that are represented by a velocity distribution function. These fluid portions reside and interact on the nodes of a grid. The lattice-Boltzmann method employed is able to solve advanced industrial problems even in the presence of complex geometries or moving parts.

XFlow includes an integrated multi-body solver which is fully coupled with the fluid solver.

The following rigid body dynamics can be modeled:
• up to 6 degrees of freedom
• inputmass properties
• external forces and moments
• automatic contact detection
• friction and restitution coefficients

In addition, XFlow can also be used for co-simulation with Simulia Abaqus and Simpack:
• 2-way co-simulation with XFlow and Abaqus for large deformations FSI
• 1-way co-simulation with XFlow and Abaqus for small deformation FSI
• 2-way co-simulation between XFlow and Simpack via FMI


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